40 Developmental Assets®

What Are Developmental Assets?assets

Search Institute’s 40 Developmental Assets® are common sense, positive experiences and qualities that help influence choices young people make and help them become caring, responsible adults.

Tools for Asset Building

Check out available books, reports, videos, and other materials on Developmental Assets and how you can build assets throughout your community.

The Assets Research

Search Institute’s research indicates that Developmental Assets powerfully influence adolescent behaviour, both by protecting young people from risky, problem behaviours and by promoting positive attitudes and choices.

How do you get involved?

The Regina Literacy Network is a member of the Healthy Community – Healthy Youth Regina and Area group. We contribute to the asset building movement in Regina and area by employing asset champions who work hard to make a difference in the lives of youth in our community. We incorporate the Asset Framework into every project and program we run and all grant applications we submit.