
Welcome to! This is just a start! We have so many ideas about what we want to see here. If you have ideas – feel free to let us know via an email to or just post your comments here!


6 comments on “Guestbook

  1. WOW, I love what you guys are doing this is great!!

  2. This web site is awesome. I believe that everyone will get something from it. Well done.

  3. marilyn stearns

    May 12, 2016 at 10:34 am

    I had lots of fun looking around your wonderful new website. I found it very easy to navigate. Congratulations on the new look.

  4. Our Library has had the pleasure of hosting some programs facilitated by April Dahnke of BCLN. The response has been great, and we look forward to doing more programming with them. This new website is very informative and a great resource. I will be telling our local schools and the other libraires in our region about this website.

  5. What a great site! I love all the resources and links. I can’t wait to share this with the familes and Literacy Practitioners in the Saskatoon & region Hub.

  6. We are so excited to get this new website up and full of the information you have requested and hopefully some great surprizes! Enjoy!

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